27 Dec 2022, 19:02

Number of agriculture based households increase to 168.81 lakh: BBS

DHAKA, Dec 27, 2022 (BSS)-The number of agriculture based households in the country has been increased to 168.81 lakh while the cropping intensity has also been enhanced to 214, according to the report of the Agriculture Census-2019.

The report said the number of agriculture based households in the rural areas is 160.48 lakh while 8.33 lakh in the urban areas. On the other hand, the cropping intensity in the rural areas is 214 while 207 in the urban areas.

The final report of the Agriculture Census-2019 published today showed that the number of agriculture based households in the last Census in 2008 was 151.83 lakh while the cropping intensity was 173. 

The final report of the latest agriculture Census was published today at a function under the Agriculture (crops, fisheries and livestock) Census-2018 project. 

Planning Minister MA Mannan spoke at the function as chief guest while State Minister for Planning Dr Shamsul Alam and Statistics and Informatics Division Secretary Dr Shahnaz Arefin spoke as special guests held at the auditorium of the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) here this afternoon.

Presided over by Director General of BBS Md Motiar Rahman, project director Alauddin Al Azad made a power-point presentation on the findings of the Census.

The 5th Agriculture Census was conducted in the country from June 9 to June 20, 2019. The previous four Agri Census were carried out in the country in 1977, in 1983-84, in 1996 and in 2008.

The latest Census report said that the number of total households in the country is 355.52 lakh which was 286.95 lakh as per the previous agriculture Census carried out in 2008.

The latest census showed that the total number of agriculture labour based on households in the country is 92 lakh while the Fisheries based households is 12.18 lakh.

The latest Census said that the total arable land in the country is 186.81 lakh acres which was 190.97 lakh acres as per the previous agriculture Census in 2008. 

Besides, the total barren land amounted to 2.44 lakh acres which was 1.5 lakh acres as per the previous Census.

Speaking on the occasion, the Planning Minister suggested for conducting population and economic Census in every alternate year. He also opined that labour force survey should be conducted every year.

Mannan also stressed on enhancing the use of technology in all spheres of the operations of the BBS.

State Minister for Planning Dr Shamsul Alam underscored the need for conducting the Agriculture Census regularly so that the gap between one Census to another Census not exceeds the stipulated timeframe.

Shamsul Islam said although agriculture now contributes to around 11.50 percent of country's GDP, but its contributions is enormous in terms of ensuring food security as country's around 40 percent of the workforce is being engaged in agriculture.

The State Minister said Bangladesh was not affected largely during the pandemic while it was also the best performer in South Asian region due to the immediate announcement of the stimulus packages prioritizing the agriculture sector.

He, however, opined for conducting the agriculture Census in every five years.

The latest agriculture Census depicted that the total number of household chicken increased to 1994.03 lakh, ducks 744.93 lakh, cows 294.52 lakh, buffaloes 636926 and goats 194.44 lakh.

Besides, the latest census report said the land under Aush cultivation totaled 24.59 lakh acres, under Aman cultivation totaled 119.7 lakh acres, under Boro cultivation totaled 110.65 lakh acres, under wheat cultivation totaled 8.2 lakh acres, under Jute cultivation totaled 16.99 lakh acres, under potatoes cultivation totaled 11.03 lakh acres, under maize cultivation totaled 10.76 lakh acres.

Apart from these, the number of tractors in the country increased to 1.78 lakh, power tillers increased to 3.55 lakh while the crop harvesting machines to 9.16 lakh.

Earlier, the Planning Minister along with other guests unveiled the cover of the final report of the Agriculture Census-2019. Mannan also digitally inaugurated the Agriculture Directory Management System.