10 May 2023, 19:40
Update : 10 May 2023, 20:26

Litchi starts appearing in Jashore markets

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JASHORE, May 10, 2023 (BSS) - Litchi, one of the most popular seasonal fruits
in the country, has started appearing in limited scale in the local markets

The local varieties of litchi have started appearing in the markets at
present. But, the other varieties are expected to come to the markets within
the next couple of weeks abundantly.

Growers and traders of the district are pleased with the high price of the
seasonal mouthwatering fruit litchi. In the advent of the season, every 100
litchi fruits are being sold at Taka 300 to 700 based on quality and size.

In the district, litchi haat is being seen in Monihar and Boshundia areas
every day.

This season, a total of 649 hectares of land have been brought under litchi
cultivation in eight upazilas of the district. Different varieties of litchi
including China-3, Bombay, Bari, Bari-4, Mojaffar, Ishwardi, Bedana and
Elachi are grown in the region. Among those, Mojaffar variety is the most
popular variety.

District Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE) sources said litchi
cultivation is being popular day by day in the district. Litchi has mostly
been cultivated on 264 hectares of land under Sadar upazila and 125 hectares
of land in Bagharpara upazila in the current season, he added.

Litchi growers of the district are expecting bumper yield this season amid
favourable weather condition. Garden owner Bozlur Rashid at Dakatia village
under Sadar upazila said: "We predict bumper litchi production this season in
the district if the climatic condition remains favourable till the end of

"Yearly a tree can produce around 2,000 to 3,000 pieces of litchis," he said.

Deputy Director of the district DAE Monzurul Haque said high yield of litchi
came in the district this year as weather was favorable.