21 May 2024, 18:56

Maize brings smile on cultivators’ faces in Manikganj

MANIKGANJ, May 21, 2024 (BSS) - Farmers in the district are very happy as they achieved bumper maize production due to the availability of quality agri-inputs in time and favourable weather.
According to the Department of Agricultural Extension, farmers cultivated maize on 17,032 hectares of land, exceeding the fixed target of 17,020 hectares.

Maize cultivation is gaining popularity day by day in all seven upazilas of the district. The target of cultivation is exceeded every year. Particularly, maize is being cultivated on a large scale on char land.
Maize is now one of the highest cultivated cash crops in the district. The easy cultivation process, less irrigation, and high demand in the markets are the main reasons for the popularity of maize cultivation, the DAE sources added.
The multipurpose use of maize is also one of the reasons behind maize cultivation. The maize is sold in the market year-round. The green leaves of maize are used as cattle fodder. The sticks of maize are also used as firewood in rural areas.

Mohammad Ali, one of the maize cultivators in Shridharnagar village under Ghiorupazila, said he has cultivated maize on five bighas of land this year. After harvesting maize for the first time, he is now willing to cultivate maize on the same land for the second time.

Most of the maize cultivators, like Mohammad Ali, cultivate maize twice on the same land.

The farmers are getting maximum production and reasonable market prices for their products. Now each mound of maize is being sold for Taka 1,000 to 1,100 in the market.

Deputy Director of DAE Abu Mohammad EnayetUllah said the cultivation of maize is gaining popularity in the district due to its multipurpose uses and the demand for the crop throughout the year.