19 Aug 2024, 15:04

Jute harvesting progressing in Khulna

KHULNA, Aug 19, 2024 (BSS) - Farmers of the district have continued jute
harvesting during this kharip-1 season of four districts in Khulna
agricultural zone, agriculture officials said.

Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE) office sources said jute
harvesting is on the last stage as farmers have already harvested jute on
27,541 hectares of land out of 39,344 hectares till today.

They said the farmers cultivated three varieties-- local, Tosha and Mesta--
of jute this year.

The peasants' cultivated Tosha variety of jute on 39,250 hectares of land
while local variety on 36 hectares and Mesta variety jute on 58 hectares of
land in the agricultural zone.

This year, 1,447 hectares of land came under jute cultivation in Khulna,
1,927 hectares in Bagerhat, 12,540 hectares in Satkhira and 23,430 hectares
in Narail districts.

Sources said farmers got two tonnes of jute fiber of local variety from per
hectare of land while they got 2.10 tonnes Tosha variety and 1.80 tonnes
Mesta variety from per hectare of land.

They said though on the first stage, farmers harvested jute early due to rain
and got fewer yields but on the mid and last stages, the production is
expected to be high.

Additional Director of the Department of Khulna Agricultural Extension (DAE)
zone Divash Chandra Saha said aiming to increase production, incentive on
jute cultivation was disbursed among 2,000 small and marginal farmers in all
the four districts.

Each of the farmers got one kilogram free Tosha jute seed for cultivation of
one Bigha of land instead of cash Taka 2,225, he said.

"Harvesting is now at the last stage and production of Jute has increased due
to favourable weather and incentives," he said, adding that the DAE has fixed
a target to cultivate Jute on 39,141 hectares of lands, exceed the target 203