31 Dec 2021, 15:18

Krisaker Janala apps bring pioneering changes in agriculture

By AZM Imam Uddin Mukta

MYMENSINGH, Dec 31, 2021 (BSS) – “Krisaker Janala” (farmer’s avenue), an application of information technology, is bringing revolutionary changes in agriculture, ending farmers miseries by teaching them about farming and fostering rural economy through bolstering production to develop “Digital Bangladesh” as envisioned by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.

The application, short form apps, helped Muktagacha’s farmer Riazul Karim Farhad of Mymensingh to be a successful peasant changing his fate by facilitating bumper production.

Karim told BSS that Krisaker Janala, an e-service among 657 ones under the country’s biggest online platform Bangladesh National Information Portal,  plays an important role in solving agriculture related problems.

He said he received the  training on agriculture and acquired knowledge about modern technology from the agriculture department. Later, he started farming leveraging the modern tech, he added.

He said, “He had to face multifarious problems related to crops disease at first. He had to go to long distant agriculture  office in Muktagachha town from his home to take advices which was time-consuming  and costly”.

But, now he finds answers of multiple agriculture related problems by using the apps in mobile phone.

Referring to vital role of Union Agriculture Information Advice Centre, he said he developed mixed agro farm by acquiring knowledge of modern information technology.

He produces vegetables along with cereal crops simultaneously on same land. He also produces different foreign fruits including dragon, strawberry alongside native fruits such as mango, jackfruit and litchi which facilitates  a big chunk of his annual  income as well.

The demand of his crop production has increased  as he yielded totally chemical-free vegetables and fruits by using organic fertilizers and concerted disease control method. He also advertises his products online.

 So, buyers from his district and beyond come to him to purchase products at fair price.

‘The production and marketing process has been easy in one hand and better income is also being achieved on the other,’ Karim said.

Momtaz Begum, a farmer of Gobindabari in Muktagachha, is among many female peasants who are taking part in farming in most of the villages including vast char (riverbeds) areas of Brahmaputra River in the district with their male counterparts.

The female farmers including Begum are directly working on crop production and marketing including making earthworm fertilizer by utilizing information technology.

Begum had once tough days after her husband’s death. She started vegetables farming in homestead after taking trainings on vegetables cultivation from Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE).

 She also gradually began cultivation of cereals such as paddy on limited lands left by  her husband . She produces crops by using modern technology in line with the advices of DAE  on mobile phone.

Mentioning that she uses online platform to sell her products, she said, “I earn five thousand taka per month by producing chemical-free vegetables”.

The “Digital Bangladesh” concept , contrived by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s son Sajeeb Wazed Joy,  is credited to turn an under privileged woman into a successful farmer.

 The incumbent Prime Minister and Awami League President Sheikh Hasina announced building of  “Digital Bangladesh” in her election manifesto in 2008. It was the brainchild of Joy and Access  to Information (a2i) started to work in achieving “Vision-2021” to implement Joy’s “Digital Bangladesh” plan after winning elections.

 A2i first widened its wing in Prime Minister’s Office (PMO). But now, it is being implemented by Cabinet Division and Information and Communication Technology Division in assistance with UNDP.

Country’s largest web portal National Information Portal was introduced at initiative of a2i to ensure services provided by government offices and right to information for people.

 National Information Portal is a web portal or a concerted form of over 51500 government offices including all unions, upazilas, districts, divisions, departments and ministries.

A2i office sources said 657 e-services of government offices and over 80 lakhs  content were incorporated into National Information Portal.

 DAE provided agriculture related information using information and technology of National Information Portal.

Like Begum, a significant number of female farmers became successful in agriculture using “Krisaker Janala” apps.  

Deputy Director of DAE, Mymensingh, Agriculturist Motiuzzaman told BSS that 1019956 farmers family here are directly engaged in agricultural production and the district has 330091 hectors cultivable land.  

He said, “1872475 tons  cereal crops are produced in the district against   1152573  tons demand which means  719912 tones food surplus. Agriculture blocks stood at 449 and each block comprises of 10 farmers, that accumulates 4490 farmers groups”.

He said there are union information service centres in all 145 unions under 13 upazilas of the  district.

Besides, 290 union agriculture advice centres are there to expedite agriculture production from where a sub assistant agriculture officer disseminates agro related information to the farmers every day, he said, adding that they are now providing different services to farmers using mobile apps.

Motiuzzaman said assistance was also provided to the farmers through 315 IPM clubs in district.

Dullah Union Parishad Chairman Md Hussen Ali Husi said under-privileged people now avail the fruit of Digital Bangladesh of the government. Farmers can produce crops properly even sell their products at fair price by using information and communication technology that enhances rural economy, he said.

He also demanded establishing  a permanent selling outlet in his locality.

Pest Diagnostic Centre and Cereal Hospital’s In-charge Pest Doctor sub assistant agriculture Officer Selim Reza said over 2500 farmers received agriculture related advices through this hospital at different times.

 Advices are also disseminated to the farmers at the centre every Tuesday. Farmers contacted him over mobile and received advices.

 This hospital plays an important role in developing agriculture.

Muktagachha Upazila Agriculture Officer Agriculturist Emdadu Huq told BSS that disadvantaged farmers of the upazila are being able to take agriculture related advice through Krisaker Janala.

He said the farmers can take prompt measures by connecting to concerned agriculture officer immediately over mobile phone and online. Thus, they can protect their crops and are being able to achieve desired yield, he added.

He also mentioned that monitoring system will also be enhanced in implementing the government’s vision.