Farmers in Jamalpur happy getting high yield of jute
04 Aug 2021, 12:55 | BSS

JAMALPUR, Aug 4, 2021 (BSS) - Farmers in the district are happy as they are getting excellent yield of jute due to availability of agri-inputs.
Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE) office sources said due to favorable weather conditions and sowing of high yielding variety of jute seed, farmers harvested the crops without any problem.
The office said after harvesting jute, farmers got 10.7 Bale jute fiber of Tosha variety, 9 Bale of local variety, 9.03 Bale of Kenaf variety and 8.9 Bale of Mesta variety.
Farmers cultivated jute on 30,350 hectares of land which is 1200 hectares more than last year's cultivation. The production target of jute fiber was fixed at 367,448 Bale in the district this year.
Sarishabari Upazila Agriculture Officer, Md Abullah Al Mamun said farmers in the Upazila got good yield of jute and fair price of jute fiber this year. He said one mound (40 kilogram) of jute fiber is being sold from Tk 2500 to 2800 in the local market which is a fair price for farmers.
Farmer Belal Hossain of village Char Sarishabari in Sarishabari Upazila who cultivated jute on five Bigha of land said, “I got good yield of jute this year.” Another farmer in the same village Nasim, who cultivated jute on six Bigha of land said he got good price of jute this year.
According to DAE office, farmers cultivated four varieties of jute this year. The varieties are local on 2325 hectare with a production target of 19762 Bale jute, Tosha on 27428 hectares with a production target of 3,42,850 Bale, Mesta on 74 hectares with a production target of 651 Bale and Kenaf on 523 hectares with a production target of 4184 Bale.
The office said farmers cultivated jute on 10540 hectares of land in Islampur, 5000 hectares in Dewanganj, 3750 hectares in Sarishabari, 5816 hectares in Jamalpur Sadar Upazila, 3290 hectares in Madarganj , 2205 hectares in Bakshiganj and 1770 hectares in Melandah.