17 Jan 2023, 18:18

Krishi Bank to disburse Taka 2,039 cr loan in Khulna region

KHULNA, Jan 17, 2023 (BSS) - Bangladesh Krishi Bank (BKB) will disburse Taka 2039 crore loan in the Khulna region during the current 2022-23 fiscal year to increase crop, dairy and poultry production and enhance rural economy.

Among the total loan, Taka 1345cr is to disburse for agriculture sector. Taka 617 crore has already been disbursed as Agri loan.

The BKB is disbursing the loans through its 88 branches in five districts under Khulna region, Principal Regional Manager of Krishi Bank in Khulna Region Sheikh Abdul Quyum told BSS here today.

Target has also been set up to recover loans of Taka 1213 cr and Taka 26 cr as profit during this current period, he said.

The Bank has already given Taka 790 cr for this current fiscal year so far, source said.

The Bank also has been taken decision to increase capital, distribution and realization of loans, classified loans, reduction of classified loans, realization of blocked loans and other action plans for achieving the set business targets, he said.

The official said the bank has disbursed loan of Tk 1,710 crore, recovered
Taka 1,070 crore including classified loans in 2021-22 last fiscal year.

The Krishi bank has attained an ever highest profit of Taka 76 crore in the region during the 2021-22 financial years.
The bank has achieved 84 cr foreign remittances in the first six months in the current fiscal year and Taka114 cr foreign remittances in the fiscal year 2021-22, and certificate cases of a total TK 2,554 crore have been filed, he added.
He, however, said that the bank enhanced its lending activities in multipurpose potential fields for boosting agricultural production, intensifying food security and flourishing poultry and dairy sectors.

"Putting maximum emphasis on ensuring best services to the farmers side by side with working with utmost sincerity and responsibility for continuous advancement of the reputed bank and making its profitable", he added.