12 Feb 2024, 18:20

BARVIDA seeks 50pc depreciation facility on reconditioned cars import

DHAKA, Feb 12, 2024 (BSS) - The Bangladesh Reconditioned Vehicles Importers

and Dealers Association (BARVIDA) has sought 50 percent depreciation facility
on import of reconditioned cars.
Currently, the depreciation rate on reconditioned vehicles is 30 percent.

The association today made the demand at the pre-budget discussion with the
National Board of Revenue (NBR) held at the NBR Bhaban in the capital's
Agargaon area.

NBR Chairman Abu Hena Md Rahmatul Muneem presided over the discussion while
BARVIDA President Md Habib Ullah Dawn placed proposals for the upcoming
fiscal budget before NBR.

Md Habib Ullah Dawn said that the provision of providing maximum depreciation
in the first year for any product is internationally accepted.

He proposed determining zero percent tariff for one year old reconditioned
cars while 10 percent tariff for two years old cars, 20 percent for more than
two years old cars, 30 percent for up to three years old, 40 percent for four
years old and 50 percent for five years old cars.

He said if the government considers the proposals, car imports will be
increased which will play an effective role to meet revenue targets.

Habib Ullah Dawn said that if the government considers the proposal of
reducing supplementary duty on import of microbuses for use as public
transport, it will help meet the public transport crisis.