30 Jun 2024, 16:46

First-ever APA of BPPA signed

DHAKA, June 30, 2024 (BSS) - The first-ever Annual Performance Agreement

(APA) of Bangladesh Public Procurement Authority (BPPA) for 2024-2025 fiscal
year was signed today between the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of BPPA and
the Secretary of Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation Division (IMED).

The Cabinet Division introduced Annual Performance Agreement from the
financial year of 2015-2016 with an aim of increasing efficiency, bringing
dynamism, improving quality of services in government functions and
increasing effectiveness of organisations under an innovative approach.

The CEO of BPPA Mohammed Shoheler Rahman Chowdhury, on behalf of BPPA, and
IMED Secretary Abul Kashem Md Mohiuddin, on behalf of the Ministry of
Planning, signed the APA at the conference room of the IMED on the campus of
the Ministry of Planning in Dhaka, said a press release.

The government transformed the former Central Procurement Technical Unit
(CPTU) into the BPPA on September 18, 2023 with a view to enhancing
professionalisation and improving overall public procurement environment in
the country.

Major tasks, among others, mentioned in the APA of the BPPA for 2024-2025
fiscal year include conducting procurement post review of contracts executed
or ongoing in 2024-2025 fiscal year of 12 government procuring agencies,
completing registration of 1.16 lakh tenderers in e-GP system, taking
cumulative number of trainees in three-week procurement training to 12,800,
week-long 4,200 and daylong 9,000, adding information of 15,000 registered
tenderers to Tenderers' Database, piloting of sustainable public procurement

The CEO of the BPPA has committed to achieve the results mentioned in the APA
and the Secretary also committed to extend necessary support to make it



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