29 Aug 2024, 19:50
Update : 29 Aug 2024, 20:07

BD-Malaysia FTA promises well for bilateral trade, envoy

DHAKA, Aug 29, 2024 (BSS) - Malaysian High Commissioner in Dhaka Haznah Md
Hashim has said that the potential Malaysia-Bangladesh Free Trade Agreement
(FTA) is promising to further strengthen the trade between the friendly

"A Malaysia-Bangladesh Free Trade Agreement (FTA), would augur well for our
businesses and prepare our economies for whatever challenges that lay ahead,"
she said in a statement, disseminated by the Malaysia high commission here
marking Malaysian national day lays on August 31.

On 31 August in 1957, Malaya (which is now Malaysia), was proclaimed
independent from the United Kingdom by the late Tunku Abdul Rahman, the first
Prime Minister of Malaysia.

The high commissioner said Kuala Lumpur and Dhaka has maintaining a robust
trade relation as Bangladesh is Malaysia's 19th largest trading partner, and
ranked second among South Asian nations.

During the formation of the Bangladesh's Interim Government, the envoy said,
Malaysian Prime Minister Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim, was among the earliest
Head of Government who congratulated Professor Dr Muhammad Yunus on his
appointment as the Chief Advisor of Bangladesh.

Prime Minister Anwar also expressed Malaysia's readiness to help and support
the new Government of Bangladesh, said the high commissioner.

The envoy welcomed Bangladeshi tourists to continue to visit Malaysia, not
only for leisure but also for medical tourism.

Malaysia offers advanced medical facilities and skilled healthcare at a very
affordable cost, she said.

The high commissioner noted that Malaysia has also emerged as an educational
hub, attracting students from Bangladesh who seek world-class education in a
diverse and inclusive environment.

"I am also proud to reiterate that Malaysia was the first Muslim nation to
recognise Bangladesh as a sovereign nation with the formal establishment of
the diplomatic relations on 31 January 1972," she said.

Since then, the high commissioner said, "a "brotherly relations" has been
maintained and developed that people of the two countries enjoyed today.