29 Dec 2022, 23:00

AL candidate elected mayor of Boda municipality

PANCHAGARH, Dec 29, 2022 (BSS) - Awami League (AL) nominated candidate Azaher Ali was elected mayor of Boda Municipality in the election held here today in a free fair and peaceful manner.

Returning officer and district election officer Md. Alamgir Hossein declared the election's results here in the evening.

According to the polls results, Awami League (AL) nominated candidate Azaher Ali with the election symbol 'boat' won the election by securing 6,740 votes while his nearest rival independent candidate Akter Hossain Hasan bagged 3,597 votes.

The voting was held through Electronic Voting Machines (EVM) and the voting started at 8.30am and continued till 4.30pm without any intermission.