12 May 2023, 18:20
Update : 12 May 2023, 18:28

Call for leading systematic life to reduce hypertension risk

RANGPUR, May 12, 2023 (BSS) - Expert cardiologists and medicine specialists
in a discussion today called for leading a systematic life to reduce the risk
of the silent killer non-communicable disease of hypertension or high blood
pressure (HBP).
They viewed this in the event organised by Hypertension and Research Centre,
Rangpur (HRCR) at its auditorium here in observance of the World Hypertension
RHRC, a sister organisation of 'Wasim-Waleda Bahumukhi Kallyan Foundation'
and a Member of the World Hypertension League, has been observing the day
since 2009.
HRCR is a non-profitable organization providing health services and
treatments to 31,037 registered HBP and diabetes patients of Rangpur division
and other districts at a symbolic cost of Taka 40 only.
Besides, the organization is providing completely cost-free health services
to heroic freedom fighters, physically challenged, distressed, poor and
helpless people.
Founding President of HRCR and former Principal of Rangpur Medical College
(RpMC) Professor Dr. Md. Zakir Hossain presided over the discussion moderated
by Dr. Ramim Islam Ibne Noor.
General Secretary of HRCR and Professor of the Department of Medicine at RpMC
Dr. Shah Md. Sarwar Jahan delivered a welcome speech.
Chief Executive Officer of HRCR Md. Anwar Hossain narrated about the
organisation established in 2008 with the aim of serving humanity, its
ongoing activities and future plans.
UGC Professor, Member of International Society of Hypertension and former
Chairman of the Department of Cardiology at Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical
University (BSMMU) Professor Dr. Sajal Krishna Banerjee addressed the event
as main discussant.
Associate Professor of the Department of Cardiology at BSMMU Professor Dr.
Dipal Krishna Adhikary, Associate Professor of the same department Dr. Md.
Fakhrul Islam Khaled and Assistant Professor of the Department of Medicine at
Dhaka National Medical College Dr. Ishita Biswas spoke.

Advisor of HRCR and Vice-principal of RpMC Professor Dr. Md. Mahfuzer Rahman
said the number of hypertension patients continues increasing mainly due to
reduction in physical works across the globe.
"HBP patients should quit smoking and intake of fatty foods, lessen salt
intake, take drugs, vegetables and fruits, maintain proper weight and walk to
keep HBP within safe range to avoid heart attacks, strokes and brain
hemorrhages, kidney ailments, diabetes and other deadly diseases," he added.
Professor Dr. Sajal Krishna Banerjee highly lauded the services being
provided by HRCR to thousands of hypertension and diabetic patients aiming at
serving humanity without profit.
Terming hypertension as a silent killer disease, he said, "Around 1.20
billion people across the globe are now suffering from hypertension, and of
them, 50 percent do not know that they are suffering from the deadly disease.
Among the other 50 percent patients who are taking treatment, 50 percent are
keeping their HBP under control," he said, adding that uncontrolled HBP
causes stroke which is a permanent disaster.

Professor Banerjee put importance on making people aware of severe
consequences and complexities of hypertension and uncontrolled HBP to reduce
risks of heart attacks, brain hemorrhage, damages of kidney, eyesight and
many other organs.
Professor Dr Md Zakir Hossain sought cooperation of everyone in running RHCR
smoothly to serve the hypertension and diabetes patients and suffering