RANGPUR, July 14, 2023 (BSS) - The district and metropolitan units of Jatiya Party (JaPa) observed the fourth death anniversary of the party's founder and former President Alhaj Hussein Muhammad Ershad with daylong programs in the city today.
The programs included hoisting of the national and party flags at the party office, placing wreaths at the grave of former JaPa Chairman Ershad at his Palli Nibas compound paying rich tribute to him, offering Fateha, Ziarat and doa mehfils followed by a discussion.
The programs also included distribution of food among the poor and distressed people at district Jatiya Party office, Keramotia Jam-e-Mosque and other mosques in the city.
Khatib Moulana Md Bayezid Hussein led the main doa mehfil held at Keramotia Jam-e-Mosque after the Juma prayers.
Leaders and activists of Rangpur district, metropolitan, upazila and ward units of JaPa and its associate organizations attended the programs.
In the doa mehfils, special munajats were offered seeking eternal peace for the departed soul of Ershad and for the welfare of the country, its people and continuous peace and progress of the nation.
Presidium Member of JaPa, its Rangpur metropolitan unit President and Rangpur district unit Convener and Mayor of Rangpur Alhaj Md. Mostafizar Rahman Mostafa attended the discussion as the chief guest.
JaPa Vice-chairman and its Rangpur metropolitan unit General Secretary SM Yasser presided over the main discussion held at the Palli Nibas Compound in Darshana area of the city
JaPa Presidium Member and its Dhaka Metropolitan-North unit President Alhaj Md. Shafiqul Islam Sentu, Central Committee Vice-chairman and Dhaka Metropolitan-North JaPa General Secretary Md. Jahangir Alam Pathan, Central Organizing Secretary and Rangpur district JaPa Member Secretary Haji Md. Abdur Razzak, Vice-presidents of Rangpur Metropolitan JaPa Md Lokman Hossain and Md. Jahedul Islam, JaPa Chairman's Adviser Amanat Hossain Amanat, leaders of Dhaka Metropolitan-North JaPa Md. Fazlur Rahman Mridha and Aminul Haque Salim Mahabub spoke as special guests.
Addressing the discussion, JaPa leaders focused on the life, works and political philosophy of Ershad and his continuation to nation-building and development activities.
Hussein Muhammad Ershad died at the Combined Military Hospital in Dhaka on July 14, 2019 at the age of 89.
Later, Ershad's body was buried at his Polli Nibas residence compound with full state honour on July 16, 2019.