30 Jul 2023, 20:00

Fisheries playing vital role in country's economic progress: Khaleque

KHULNA, July 30, 2023 (BSS) - Mayor of Khulna City Corporation (KCC) Talukder Abdul Khaleque here today said fisheries sector is playing vital role for country's economic development.

"Fisheries sector is ensuring protein for the country's people," he made the remark while speaking as the chief guest at the evaluation and closing ceremony of National Fisheries Week-2023 in the Gallyamari area here.

He said 69.88 metric tonnes of fish and fisheries goods have been produced and Taka 90.30 crore is earned through export of fishes in 2022-23 fiscal.

He stressed the need for more fish farming and building awareness among people about the fisheries sector.

Chaired by additional deputy commissioner (education and ICT) Mukul Kumar Maitra, the programme was addressed by deputy director of divisional fisheries department Md Zahangir Alam, Professor Dr Khondokar Anisul Haque of Fisheries and Marine Resources Technology Discipline of Khulna University and additional superintendent of Police S M Al Beruni. District Fisheries Officer Joydeb Paul delivered the welcome speech.

Fish farmers, fishermen, fish traders, leaders of different fisheries sectors, among others, attended the event.