04 Aug 2023, 19:41

Programs taken marking Kamal's 74th birth anniversary in Rangpur

RANGPUR, Aug 4, 2023 (BSS) - The district administration has taken programs 
to celebrate the 74th birth anniversary of Shaheed Captain Sheikh Kamal, 
eldest son of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and 
Bangamata Sheikh Fazilatunnesa Mujib, here in a befitting manner tomorrow.
The programs include wearing of black badges, placing of wreaths at the 
portrait of Sheikh Kamal, drawing and essay writing competitions and 
discussion, offering special munajats and doa and charity football match at 
Police Line ground in the city.
Divisional Commissioner Md Habibur Rahman is expected to attend the 
dissuasion to be held at Shilpokola Academy auditorium as the chief guest 
with Deputy Commissioner Mohammad Mobasser Hassan in the chair.
Official sources said, high officials, political leaders and sports 
personalities, sociocultural and professional activists, youths, students and 
teachers and elite of the city will participate in the programs.
The divisional administration, Rangpur Range Police, Rangpur Metropolitan 
Police, Rangpur City Corporation, Awami League and its associate bodies and 
many other organizations will pay rich tributes and celebrate the day with 
daylong programs.
The programmes include wearing of black badges, placing of wreaths at the 
portrait of Sheikh Kamal, observance of one-minute silence and rallies 
followed by doa mehfils, special prayers and discussions.
In the doa mehfils, special munajats will be offered seeking divine blessings 
for eternal peace of the departed soul of Sheikh Kamal, one of the prominent 
organizers of the War of Liberation, heroic freedom fighter and sports and 
cultural personality.
Sheikh Kamal was born at Tungipara village under the then Gopalganj 
subdivision on August 5, 1949.
He embraced martyrdom on August 15, 1975 at the age of 26, along with Father 
of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and most of their other 
family members.