18 Oct 2023, 15:59

Sheikh Russel's 60th birthday observed in Khulna

KHULNA, Oct 18, 2023 (BSS) - The 60th birthday of Sheikh Russel, the youngest

son of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, was observed
today in a befitting manner in the city and district.

The birthday programmes include-- cake cutting, discussions, milad and doa
mahfils, cultural functions, rallies, painting competitions, tree plantation
and distribution of foods among the destitute people.

Russel, the youngest brother of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, was born on
this day (October 18) in 1964 at "Bangabandhu Bhaban", the historical
residence of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman located at Road 32, Dhanmondi
in the capital.

Russel was a class-four student of University Laboratory School when he along
with his most family members, including Bangabandhu, was killed by a group of
disgruntled army men on August 15, 1975.

Khulna District Administration, Khulna City Corporation (KCC), Awami League
and its associate organisations, Khulna Shishu Academy, Khulna University,
Khulna University of Engineering and Technology, Mongla Port Authority, West
Zone Power Company Ltd and Rampal Power Plant have observed elaborate
programmes including cake cutting, milad and doa mahfil, rally, discussion,
cultural function, essay and art competition and tree plantation programme.

Marking the day, District and City Unit Muktijoddha Command, Khulna City
Corporation, Khulna Divisional Commissioner, Khulna Metropolitan Police,
Khulna Range DIG of Police, Khulna District Administration, Rampal Power
Plant, different GO-NGO, educational institutions and other organisations pay
homage to the portrait of Sheikh Russel, set up at the DC office ground in
the city.

Earlier, a colourful rally was brought out in the city streets. The rally
began from City's Shaheed Hadis Park and ended at the Circuit house ground.

Sheikh Russel Padak distribution, the central programme, aired from the
capital, was live telecast at Shilpakala Academy where discussion, cake
cutting, cultural programme organised by children and prize distribution
ceremony was held.

Mayor of KCC Talukder Abdul Khaleque addressed the discussion as the chief
guest with Khulna Divisional Commissioner Md Helal Mahmud Sharif in the

Khulna Deputy Commissioner Khondokar Yasir Arefin delivered the welcome
speech while Additional Divisional Commissioner Tabibur Rahman, among others,

Khulna City Corporation paid homage at the portrait of Sheikh Russel at KCC
building led by Mayor Talukder Abdul Khaleque. On the occasion, discussion,
cake cutting, art and essay competition and prize distribution ceremony were
held on the KCC premises.

A video documentary on the life sketch of Sheikh Russel was screened at
different places including Shaheed Hadis Park and Railway Station marking the

Doa mahfil and special prayers have been offered at all mosques, temples,
churches, pagoda and other religious organisations seeking blessing of the
departed soul of Sheikh Russel along with Bangabandhu and all family members
of August 15, 1975 carnage.

Improved diet was served at all children orphanage center. Divisional museum
and Shishu Park allowed free entry for the children marking the day.