RAJSHAHI, Nov 25, 2023 (BSS)- A total of 15 marginalized women were given automated sewing machines and sewing accessories to improve living and livelihood conditions
In the first phase, the support was given on behalf of the Livelihoods Improvement of Urban Poor Communities Project (LIUPCP) being implemented by the Rajshahi City Corporation (RCC).
The sewing machines were distributed on the opening day of a four-day training course arranged for the women being held at Rajshahi Technical Training Centre (RTTC) today.
Vice-president of the city unit of Bangladesh Awami League Shahin Akhter Rainy, RTTC Principal Engineer Emdadul Haque, RCC Chief Engineer Nur Islam and its Chief Community Development Officer Azizur Rahman were present at the distribution ceremony.
Engineer Nur Islam said they are implementing the LIUPC project in cooperation with the United Nations Development Programme aimed at achieving long-term sustainable growth by eradicating urban poverty of around 58,000 disadvantaged families and achieving Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.
The project has been designed to reach initially the unserved and underserved urban population in the city and to promote livelihoods and living conditions of 1.80 lakh poor people living in urban areas.