27 May 2024, 19:58

RMP intends to infuse dynamism into community policing

RAJSHAHI, May 27, 2024 (BSS) - Rajshahi Metropolitan Police (RMP) is intended to infuse dynamism into its community policing aimed at ensuring peace and tranquility everywhere in the society through combating all sorts of crimes.

Strengthening and proper activation of community policing can be the crucial means of controlling juvenile gangs and their crimes together with updating the information related to student's residences.

RMP Commissioner Biplob Bijoy Talukder came up with the observation while presiding over the meeting with leaders of community policing in the city at his office conference hall here today.

Prof Abdul Khaleque, Convener of City Community Policing, and RMP Additional Commissioners Rashidul Hassan and Hemayetul Islam, among others, were present at the meeting.

Illustrating the multifarious aspects of expediting and expanding community policing, the discussants attributed that community policing can be the best way of freeing society from all sorts of crimes with joint efforts of police and the public in general.

"Actually, we will do the work for the betterment of the society. We will not see any more juvenile gangs," commented RMP Commissioner Biplob Bijoy Talukder.

Prof Abdul Khaleque said the community should extend cooperation to police by providing specific information about the criminals.
Crime-free societies, particularly free from drug-addiction, terrorism and toll collection, must be established to protect people and the young generation, in particular, he said.
To attain the cherished goal, the law-enforcing agencies and the community should work together as the law-enforcers alone are not capable of overcoming the crisis, he added.