10 Jun 2024, 19:46

Citizens dialogue with public representatives held in Rajshahi

RAJSHAHI, June 10, 2024 (BSS)- A daylong citizens leadership dialogue with

public representatives was held here today aimed at ensuring transparency and
accountability in service deliveries through boosting bilateral relations
between the citizens and public representatives.

The dialogue titled "Interaction between citizens and political leaders on
pre-election promises" was held at Hotel Warisan with participation of
development activists, members of the civil society, youth leaders and other
On behalf of its 'Initiative to Develop the Leadership skills in Socio-
political sector at Rangpur and Rajshahi divisions' project, Rupantar
organized the dialogue supported by USAID and International Republic
Institute (IRI).

Ward Councillors of Rajshahi City Corporation Tahera Khatun, Sultana Ahmed
Sagorika, Shariful Islam, Nuruzzaman Tuku and Matiur Rahman responded to
various questions related to the civic services raised by the participants.
IRI Senior Programme Manager Amtav Ghosh, Rupantar Project Coordinator Ashim
Ananda Das and Chairman of Sundarban Academy Prof Anwarul Kadir addressed the
dialogue as resource persons disseminating their expertise on the issue.

Divisional Coordinator of National Heart Foundation Ehsanul Amin moderated
the discussion.

Various issues, particularly birth-death registration, waste stagnant in
drains, mosquito menace, development of marginalized people, cultural
activities promotion, traffic jam and holding taxes, were discussed
elaborately in the dialogue.

In the meeting, the ward councilors unanimously mentioned that they are
working for betterment and welfare of the citizens. They also attributed that
spontaneous and wholehearted cooperation of the citizens has become crucial
to make their services more effective and pro-people.