18 Jun 2024, 13:55

Eid-ul-Azha celebrated in Khulna

KHULNA, June 18, 2024 (BSS) - The holy Eid-ul-Azha, the second biggest religious festival of the Muslims, was celebrated here on Monday with due religious fervor and festivity. 

The main Eid Congregation was held at Khulna Circuit House Eidgah maidan in the city at 8.00am yesterday. Principal of Khulna Alia Madrasa Mowlana Abul Khaer Mohammad Zakaria conducted the main Eid jamaat.

Khulna City Mayor Talukder Abdul Khaleque, Parliament member of Khulna-2 constituency Sheikh Salahuddin Zewel, Khulna divisional commissioner Helal Mahmud Sharif, Deputy Commissioner Khondokar Yasir Arefin, city and district level officials including, leaders of the political parties, elite, professionals and people from all strata joined the congregation.
The second largest Eid Jamaat was held at Town Jame Mosque in the city at 8.30 and Govt Alia Jame Mosque at 7.30am respectively.
In Khulna city, Eid-ul-Azha prayer was held on the premises of Khulna University of Engineering and Technology (KUET), Khulna University (KU) and all Jame mosques in each of the 31 wards in the city. Besides, Eid-ul-Azha prayer was held at all mosques in nine upazilas in the district.
Thousands of Muslims offered special munajat seeking divine blessings for continued peace, progress and prosperity of the country and the Muslim Ummah.
Later, the devotees sacrificed thousands of animals at their houses and selected 141 spots of the KCC.
Meanwhile, the National flag was hoisted after sunrise atop all government, semi-government, autonomous, private buildings and Circuit House. The main roads and islands in the city were decorated with flags and festoons. KCC also erected gates inscribed with ‘Eid Mubarak’ in front of all Eidgah and wards of the city.
A total of 1,046 Eid Jamaats were held in the city and the district while 31,650 were held in all ten districts in Khulna division. According to district and divisional commissioner office, a large number of law enforcement agencies were deployed to ensure safety and security of the citizens attending the Eid Jamaats. 

Improved diets were also served among the inmates of the different hospitals, jails, Shishu Paribars, orphanages of the city and district.

Police, RAB, Ansar and other law enforcement agencies were deployed everywhere for peaceful celebration of the Eid-ul-Azha.