18 Jul 2024, 17:44

Programmes taken to observe National Mourning Day in Khulna

KHULNA, July 18, 2024 (BSS) - Elaborate programmes have been taken to observe the National Mourning Day-2024 and 49th martyrdom anniversary of the Architect of Independence and Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in the district on August 15.

The district administration chalked out the daylong programmes marking the day at a preparatory meeting held on Thursday at the DC's conference room with Deputy Commissioner Khondokar Yasir Arefin in the chair.

The programmes include hoisting of national flag at half-mast in all
government, semi-government, autonomous and private buildings, discussion meeting, placing wreaths at the monument of Bangabandhu, and screening of film and documentary on life and works of Bangabandhu and offering special prayer and doa-mahfil at all religious institutions.

Besides, black badges will be worn from August 1 marking the mourning month.

Officials and employees of different government and semi-government
organisations will bring out mourning rallies and place wreaths at the monument of Bangabandhu on Khulna Deputy Commissioner Office premises.

Besides, competitions on painting, essay writing, one-minute video documentary on discussions focusing the life and works of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and national history will be arranged in the DC's conference room and other places to mark the day.

On the occasion, prizes will be distributed among the winners of the
different events like essay writing, art and poem recitation and cheques will be distributed by the Directorate of Youth Development among the freedom fighters which will be held at the same places.

Special munajat will be offered after Zohr prayer at mosques while prayers will be held at temples, churches and pagodas on the day.

Khulna District Information Office will screen video documentary on the life sketch of Bangabandhu, his family members and Liberation War at Shaheed Hadis Park while Khulna regional press information department will also arrange photo exhibition on Shilpokola Academy premises on the day.

Islamic Foundation, Khulna University (KU), Khulna University of Engineering and Technology (KUET) and other organisations will observe the same programme separately to mark the day.

Besides, Khulna Betar will broadcast month-long programme marking the mourning Month of August.

The upazila administrations will also observe the day through similar
programmes in all the nine upazilas of the district.

Later, a preparedness meeting was also held to observe the 75th birth anniversary of freedom fighter Sheikh Kamal, elder son of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.

Additional deputy commissioners (Revenue) Mukul Kumar Maitra and (General) Md Nazmul Hussain Khan, Freedom Fighters, government officials, teachers and journalists, among others, attended the meeting.