26 Jul 2024, 18:43

People protect life, assets from anarchies in Rajshahi: Liton

RAJSHAHI, July 26, 2024 (BSS)- Mayor of Rajshahi City Corporation AHM Khairuzzaman Liton said they have protected the public life and assets through thwarting anarchies.

"We remained and still remain on the streets to protect public life and assets and to thwart violence and anarchies," he added, while talking to the journalists after attending a doa and special prayers after Jumah prayers at Shaheb Bazar Boro Mosque today.

Mayor Liton, who is also presidium member of Bangladesh Awami League, said they offered special prayers seeking blessings for the departed souls of those people and students who were killed in the violence and anarchies created by the BNP-Jamaat axis across the country recently.

Khairuzzaman Liton said they viewed the students' agitation as non-violent in the initial stage and subsequently the notorious criminals and arsonists turned the non-violent movement into anarchies and mayhem with an ulterior motive to take the country backward.

He, however, said they were very much sincere and active on the streets so that none could dare to commit any anarchy in the name of the students' movement in Rajshahi.

So far, they have kept the Rajshahi safe and protected and normalcy into public life has started coming back. Upon withdrawal of the curfew, public life will get normal as a whole, he added.

City unit president of Bangladesh Awami League Muhammad Ali Kamal, vice-presidents Nawsher Ali, Dr Tabibur Rahman Sheikh and Naimul Huda Rana and General Secretary Dablu Sarker, among others, were present on the occasion.