02 Aug 2024, 20:32

House-to-house fort to be built against Jamaat-Shibir: Nasir

CHATTOGRAM, Aug 2, 2024 (BSS) - Former City Mayor and General Secretary of Awami League (AL), Chattogram city unit, AJM Nasir Uddin urged all leaders and activists of the party and its associate bodies to build house-to-house fort against the banned Jamaat-Shibir in Chattogram.

"It is time to sharpen the tools of 71 by identifying hideouts and bases of banned Jamaat-Shibir to wipe them out. All traces of the anti-liberation base called BNP must be removed. The anti- liberation forces were invited by Zia who seized power illegally," he added.

Nasir made the comments after Jummah prayers at Jamiatul Falah Jame Masjid at Wasa crossing during a rally against sabotage and anarchy across the country.

He said the new generation should know who are sinners and who do not believe in freedom and sovereignty of the country.

North District AL General Secretary Sheikh Ataur Rahman Ata, City AL Vice Presidents Ibrahim Hossain Chowdhury Babul, Altaf Hossain Chowdhury Bachchu, CDA Chairman Md Yunus, City AL Adviser Enamul Haque Chowdhury, its Organizing Secretaries former lawmaker Noman Al Mahmud, Shafiq Adnan, Chowdhury Hasan Mahmud Hasni, and Mohiuddin Bachchu MP, among others, attended the function.