08 Aug 2024, 19:07

Law and order in Netrokona under full control: Army

NETROKONA, Aug 08, 2024 (BSS) - Commanding Officer (CO) of Eight East Bangle Regiment Lt. Col. Nur-E-Ahmed AL-Shafi exchanged views with local journalists at the conference room of army camp here today.

During the meeting, the CO discussed overall law and order situation of the district.
He informed that the overall law and order situation remained under full control of the authority as the army troops have intensified their patrolling at every nook and corner of the district to check all sorts of crime and violence.
The meeting was told that the armed forces have already taken necessary measures to ensure security of the people including minority community members and protect their houses and other establishments including places of worship.

The journalists called upon the armed forces to take strict action against the extortionists of the transport sectors and smugglers and other offenders who amassed illegal wealth and huge money beyond their known source of income during the past regime.
Addressing the meeting, the CO urged journalists to highlight the actual picture of the society through projecting objective news for keeping the people free from all sorts of confusion and propaganda.

The meeting was addressed, among others, by Major Zisanul Haider and Major Nazmuj Shakib and senior journalists of the district.