14 Aug 2024, 18:28

IOB leaders urge KMP to restore law and order situation

KHULNA, Aug 14, 2024 (BSS)-The leaders of Islami  Andolon Bangladesh (IOB) today urged the law enforcement agencies to restore the law and order situation stable to ensure people’s security.

“The law and order situation was broken after the fall of autocratic government and common people as well as police feared for their own security due to vested group created vandalism, launched arson attacks and looted people’s property,” they made the remarks while exchanging views with KMP Commissioner Md Mozammel Haque, high officials and Officers-in-Charge (OCs) of all metropolitan police stations at KMP headquarters hers today.

Turning most of police officials were performing their duties as a ‘Lathial Bahini’, of the immediate past autocrat government and dignity of police forces was lost, the Islami Andolon leaders said adding that the police force should work for people’s wellbeing instead of government’s ‘Lathial Bahini’.

Reforming of police force is must after the fall of autocratic government, said the leaders, adding that the policemen who were performing duties as brokers of previous government they (Policemen) must be withdrawn.

Lauding different activities including restore traffic system of Islami Andolon men, KMP Commissioner Mozammel Haque said police will work for the people’s wellbeing and restore law and order situation.

City unit President of IOB Hafez Moulana Abdul Awal, vice-presidents Sheikh Md Nasir Uddin and Abu Taher, joint secretary Abu Galib, among others, spoke in the meeting.