23 Sep 2024, 18:28
Update : 23 Sep 2024, 18:50

Doa mahfil seeking early recovery of journalist Ruhul Amin Gazi held

KHULNA, Sept 23, 2024(BSS) - A doa mahfil seeking early recovery of President of Bangladesh Federal Union of Journalists(BFUJ) Ruhul Amin Gazi was held today at Khulna Press Club under the initiative of Metropolitan Union of Journalists (MUJ).

Ex-General secretary of MUJ and ex-executive member of BFUJ H M Alauddin conducted the doa mahfil.

Gazi was admitted to BRB Hospital in Dhaka in a critical condition recently.

Ex-vice president of BFUJ Rasheudl Islam, ex-executive member Sheikh Didarul Alam, ex-vice president of MUJ Abdul Khaleque Azizi, treasurer Abdur Razzak Rana, members of MUJ Harun-or-Rashid Ershad Ali, G M Rafiqul Islam, K M Ziaus Sadat, Maksud Ali, Ahmad Musa Ranju, Ashraful Islam Nur, Nazmul Haque Pappu, Mashrur Morshed, Selim Gazi, Quamrul Hossain Mony, S A Mukul, Emran Hossain and Mosleh Uddin, among others, attended the doa mahfil with MUJ President Md Anisuzzaman in the chair.