24 Sep 2024, 20:03

Durga Puja to be celebrated at 510 mandaps in Manikganj

MANIKGANJ, Sept 24, 2024 (BSS) – A preparatory meeting for peaceful celebration of the  Durga Puja, the biggest religious festival of the Hindu community, was held at the conference room of Deputy Commissioner (DC) in the town yesterday.

Deputy Commissioner Dr. Manwar Hossein Malla presided over the function.
Manikganj District Army Task Force chief Lieutenant Colonel Junayed Uddin Shah Chowdhury, SP Md. Bashir Ahmed, Civil Surgeon Dr. Md. Moksedul Momin, Manikganj Palli Bidyut GM Md. Sultan Nasimul Haque, BNP Manikganj District President Afroza Khan Rita, Jamaat Manikganj District Law Affairs Secretary Advocate Md. Anwar Hossain, leaders of other Islami political parties including Manikganj District Puja Udjapan Parishad President Prof Basudeb Saha , its General Secretary Anirban Paul all the President and Secretaries of all seven Upazila and Poura Sava Puja udjapan Parishad attended the meeting.

 The speakers said the Durga Puja would be celebrated in a congenial atmosphere and in a befitting manner all over the district.

District administration, and district police authorities have already taken all preparations for ensuring fool-proof security measures to celebrate the Durga Puja smoothly and peacefully.

A total of 510 Puja mandaps will be erected in the district this year, District Puja Udjapan Parishad President Basudeb Saha said adding necessary preparation is underway to hold the puja in a peaceful environment.