25 Sep 2024, 17:51

Preparatory meeting on Durga puja held in Panchagarh

PANCHAGARH, Sept 25, 2024(BSS)- A preparatory meeting for peaceful celebration of the upcoming Durga Puja, the greatest religious festival of the Hindu community, was held at the conference room of Deputy Commissioner (DC) in the town on Tuesday.

Deputy Commissioner Sabet Ali presided over the meeting.

Upazila Nirbahi Officers (UNOs), representatives from Boarder Guard Bangladesh (BGB), Police, Ansar, journalist and Presidents and Secretaries of Bangladesh Puja Utjapan Parishad in the district and upazila levels attended the meeting.

The meeting urged all to remain vigil to protect communal harmony across the country for a greater national interest. It expressed the hope that the upcoming Durga Puja will be celebrated peacefully as communal harmony has been prevailing in the district.