28 Sep 2024, 17:29

International Right to Information Day observed in C’nawabganj

CHAPAINAWABGANJ, Sept 28, 2024 (BSS) - International Right to Information Day-2024 was observed in the district today.

The theme of the day is "Mainstreaming Access to Information and Participation in the Public Sector".

The district administration organised a discussion meeting marking the day in association with the Committee of the Concerned Citizens (CCC), Chapainawabganj of Transparency International Bangladesh (TIB) at the conference room of the Deputy Commissioner (DC) with the Additional Deputy Commissioner (ADC, General) Ahmed Mahbub-Ul-Islam in the chair.

Deputy Commissioner in charge and Deputy Director of Local Government Debendranath Oraon attended the meeting as the chief guest.

Additional Superintendent of Police (Admin and Finance) Md. Abul Kalam Sahid and Medical Officer of the Civil Surgeon's office Dr. Reshma Khatun attended it as special guests.

Among others, Deputy Director of Chapainawabganj district office of Islamic Foundation Md. Golam Mostofa, District Information Officer Md. Abdul Ahad and CCC member Advocate Saiful Islam Reza spoke on the occasion.

President of CCC, Chapainawabganj, Selina Begum gave the welcome speech while District Coordinator of TIB Md. Shofiqul Islam gave a multimedia presentation on the web portals of the government offices of Chapainawabganj.

The speaker stressed for streamlining the Information Commission Bangladesh and bringing amendments to the Right to Information (RTI) Act to provide the people with the maximum benefit of the act.

They also asked all to use the act as a tool to eradicate corruption.