News Flash
MUNSHIGANJ, March 20, 2025 (BSS) - A mobile court has sentenced four
people to jail in different terms and fined Taka 3.5 lakh for illegally lifting sand in
Padma River at Louhajang upazila of the district.
A Coast Guard team, led by Louhajang Upazila Assistant Commissioner (Land)
Md. Abdullah Imran, conducted a mobile court at Mawa Point on the Padma
River and arrested four people on charges of illegally extracting sand from the
river using a dredger.
The arrested were Abu Taleb, 50, Anwar Sheikh, 65, Md. Sabbir, 21, and
Parvez, 27.
Later, the mobile court sentenced Anwar Sheikh to three months jail and fined
Taka 2 lakh, in default to suffer 30 days more in jail. The court also sentenced the
remaining three people to 45 days jail each and fined Taka 50,000 each, in
default, to suffer 15 days more in jail.
Upazila Assistant Commissioner (Land) Md. Abdullah Imran said that the gang
had been illegally extracting sand from the Padma River at night, defying
government orders. Sand extraction in the area near the Padma Bridge is
dangerous for the bridge.