31 Dec 2021, 18:19

Over 600 FFs accorded reception in Rajshahi

RAJSHAHI, Dec 31, 2021 (BSS) - Rajshahi City Corporation (RCC) accorded a
reception to over 600 gallantry awarded valiant Freedom Fighters (FF) and
family members of the martyred for recognition to their supreme sacrifices in
the country's great War of Liberation in 1971.

     RCC authorities arranged the reception on its city bhaban green plaza
here this afternoon marking the Great Victory Day 2021 and Golden Jubilee of
the country's independence largely attended by FFs and their family members.

    City Mayor AHM Khairuzzaman Liton addressed the reception meeting as
chief guest while its Panel Mayor Shariful Islam Babu was in the chair.

     Former mayor of the City Corporation Advocate Abdul Hadi and former
state minister Prof Zinatunnessa Talukder, among others, spoke.

     The Mayor termed the freedom fighters as the best sons of the soil and
said the city corporation will do all possible for their welfare in the days
to come.

     Liton mentioned that the city corporation is very much aware of the best
sons of the soil alongside improving their living and livelihood conditions.

    He told the meeting that the present government under the dynamic and
visionary leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has been implementing
various benevolent programmes for the welfare of the FFs and their family

     "All of us should have to take the responsibility and stand beside the
great sons of the soil FFs for their overall welfare" the mayor added.

     Mayor Liton urged the members of the new generation particularly the
students to know the life and works of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to
become patriotic and Bengali nationalistic.  

     "The new generation must follow the ideals of Bangabandhu for becoming
the patriotic citizens of the country," he said, adding that they should also
listen to the speeches of Bangabandhu meticulously.

     Bangladesh emerged as an independent country in 1971 under the dynamic
and farsighted leadership of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, he said.