01 Jan 2022, 21:00

80,45,679 get 1st dose of Covid-19 vaccine in Rangpur

  RANGPUR, Jan 1, 2022 (BSS) - The number of the first dose recipient citizens of Covid-19 vaccine rose to 80,45,679 with the inoculation of 8,292 more with the first dose of the jab today in Rangpur division.

   "Among 8,292 new first dose recipients, 5,310 were inoculated with AstraZeneca Covid-19 jabs, 236 with Sinopharm Covid-19 jabs and 2,746 others with Pfizer Covid-19 jabs today," Divisional Director (Health) Dr Abu Md Zakirul Islam told BSS at 8 pm.

   The total first dose recipient 80,45,679 citizens include 24,97,696 people vaccinated with AstraZeneca Covid-19 jabs, 51,84,596 people with Sinopharm Covid-19 jabs, 1,31,849 with Moderna Covid-19 jabs and 2,31,538 with Pfizer Covid-19 jabs.

   Meanwhile, the number of the second dose of Covid-19 vaccine recipient citizens rose to 55,17,828 with inoculation of more 46,222 people with the second dose of the jabs today in the division.

   Among the 46,222 new second dose recipients, 6,666 people were inoculated with AstraZeneca Covid-19 jabs, 37,411 with Sinopharm Covid-19 jabs and 2,145 with Pfizer Covid-19 jabs in the division today.

   "The second dose recipient 55,17,828 citizens include 11,63,262 inoculated with AstraZeneca Covid-19 jabs, 42,01,726 with Sinopharm Covid-19 jabs, 1,25,779 with Moderna Covid-19 jabs and 27,061 with Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine," he added.

   At the same time, the number of the booster dose recipients of Covid-19 vaccine reached 7,065 people with the inoculation of 3,056 more citizens with the booster dose of the Covid-19 jabs today in the division.

   "The 7,065 booster dose recipients include 6,685 people vaccinated with AstraZeneca Covid-19 jabs and 380 with Pfizer Covid-19 jabs," Dr. Islam added.