21 Feb 2022, 18:37

People observed "Amar Ekushey" peacefully in Khulna

  KHULNA, Feb 21, 2022(BSS) - People from all walks of life on Monday

observed "Amar Ekushey and International Mother Language Day-2021 in the city

  To mark the day, all government administrations, Socio-Cultural, Political
and Professional bodies and Educational Institutions organised different
programmes maintaining proper health guidelines amid the ongoing pandemic

   This year, at least five delegates from each organisation went to the
Shaheed Hadis Park and a maximum of two people placed floral wreaths at the
Shaheed Minar due to the coronavirus restriction set up by the government.

  Muktijoddha Sangsad City and District Unit Command Council at first paid
tributes to the Language Movement Martyrs at one minute past after the
midnight last night at the Shaheed Minar of City's Shaheed Hadis Park,
followed by State Minister for Labour and Employment Begum Monnuzan Sufian,
Khulna City Corporation (KCC) Mayor Talukder Abdul Khaleque and Zila Parishad
Chairman and district Awami League President Sheikh Harun-ur-Rashid.

  Later, Khulna Divisional Commissioner, Khulna Metropolitan Police
Commissioner, Deputy Inspector General (DIG) of Khulna Range Police, Khulna
Police Superintendent placed floral wreaths there.

  Deputy Commissioner Md Helal Hossain along with officials of the district
and upazila administrations also place floral wreaths there followed by the
other government and non-government departments and organisations.

  Bangladesh Awami League (AL) and its front organisations and other
political parties, Socio-cultural and professional organisations including
Khulna Press Club, Khulna Union of Journalists (KUJ), Khulna University (KU),
Khulna University for Engineering and Technology(KUET), Agricultural
University, Mongla Port Authority, West Zone Power Company Ltd and common
people also placed wreaths there for paying homage to the Language Movement

   The national flag was hoisting at half-mast atop all buildings,
educational institutions and decoration of the streets with miniature
national and coloured flags inscribed with Bengali alphabets.

   Besides, competitions for the children on drawing, essay writing,
rendering patriotic songs and sports competitions for the school students was
held along with screening of documentary films.

  Meanwhile, speakers in different discussion meetings stressed the need for
using of native languages in all matters to enrich the country.

  "The spirit of February 21 is essential to protect the country from the
aggression of foreign languages," they said, adding that it's a matter of
real concern for the nation that the new generation is using a mixed language
with Bangla and English.