24 Feb 2022, 17:35

RMP men start getting tactical belt

  RAJSHAHI, Feb 24, 2022 (BSS)- Members of Rajshahi Metropolitan Police (RMP) have started getting tactical belts for performing their duties effectively.

   RMP Commissioner Abu Kalam Siddique launched the belt distribution at police lines today illustrating the salient feature of the tactical belt.

   The six-chamber modern belt can contain a pistol, handcuff, additional magazine, expandable batons, water bottle, torchlight and wireless simultaneously.

   Apart from this, tactical belts, small arms with thigh holsters and hands-free communication are attached in the ultramodern operational gear.

   "We have received 400 tactical belts from police headquarters and all the police members will get it in phases," said Abu Kalam, adding the belt will enhance the working capacity of the police.

   RMP Additional Commissioners Suzayet Islam and Mazid Ali and Deputy Commissioners Rashidul Hassan and Sazid Hossain were present on the occasion.