27 Feb 2022, 20:00

One jailed for life for throwing acid

   CHATTOGRAM, Feb 27, 2022 (BSS) - A Chattogram court today awarded life-

term imprisonment to a man for throwing acid five years back.

   The court of fourth Additional Metro Sessions Judge Shariful Alam Bhuyian
delivered the judgment against Sumit Dhar, 30, hailed from Harbhang village
under Chakaria police station in Cox's Bazar district.

  The court also fined the convict Tk 50,000, in default, to suffer one more
year in jail.

   According to the prosecution, the convict Sumit Dhar threw acid to one
Tamal Chandra Dey in front of city's Kusumkumari School on February 10, 2017
for engaging extra marital relation with Momita Dutta Anne, wife of the

   Victim's father Babul Chandra Dey filed Acid Preventive Offence case with
Kotwali thana on February 23.

   Later, the court framed charges against him on April 23, 2019.