JASHORE, May 12, 2022 (BSS) - Boro paddy and rice procurement drives of food
department began in eight upazilas of the district this morning.
Sources said the government has fixed a target to procure a total of 20,728
tonnes of paddy from the farmers and 26,754 tonnes of rice from the millers
in eight upazilas of the district during the current Boro season.
According to the Jashore District Food Controller's Office, Boro paddy
collection has started through apps and from the list of farmers compiled by
the district agriculture department.
Paddy will be purchased from five upazilas through apps.
Besides, the agriculture department has listed the paddy cultivators in the
remaining three upazilas. The farmers whose names are on the list will be
able to sell paddy directly to the government warehouses.
Talking to the BSS, District Food Controller Nityananda Kundu said as many as
20,728 tonnes of Boro paddy and 26754 tonnes of Boro rice would be procured
from the eight upazilas of the district this year.
Price of per kg of Boro paddy has also been fixed at TK 27 while rice at Tk
40, District Food Controller Nityananda Kundu told BSS.