RAJSHAHI, Oct 14, 2022 (BSS) - Experts at a post-rally discussion here today
mentioned regular egg intake is very much important for maintaining sound
health as it's a balanced food to all irrespective of age, male, female and
They unanimously viewed that eggs are relatively low in calories and
saturated fat and rich in protein, vitamins, minerals and other healthy
Rajshahi divisional office of the Department of Livestock Services (DLS)
hosted the discussion titled "Everyday Egg in-taking for a Healthy and
Nutritious Nation" at its conference hall in observance of the World Egg Day-
The theme for this year's event is 'Eggs for a better life' highlighting the
importance of including an egg in our daily diet. Be it for building muscles
or providing that first solid food to a six-month-old, eggs are an essential
source of nutrients in our bodies.
As the theme rightly suggests, eggs truly are nature's perfect package. From
babies to adults, eggs have been a source of nutrition for all. It's a staple
food that has managed to feed millions for ages.
DLS Divisional Director Dr Nazrul Islam Jhantu addressed the meeting as the
chief guest with District Livestock Officer Dr Zulfiker Akter Hossain in the
Dean of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Faculty in Rajshahi University Prof
Jalal Uddin Sarder and Retired DLS Deputy Director Azizul Islam and former
district livestock officer Dr Humayun Kabir also spoke disseminating their
expertise on the issue.
Deputy Director of Veterinary Public Health Dr Abdul Mazid narrated the
significance of the day and consumption of egg during his keynote
presentation saying consumption of egg has no significant link with heart
"Most of the cholesterol that circulates in our bodies is not from
cholesterol in foods, but rather from our liver making cholesterol in
response to high intake of saturated and trans fat," he added.
Dr Mazid said the perception that regular egg consumption leads to heart
diseases has been proved incorrect, and suggested regular intake of egg,
especially by pregnant women and growing children.
He said reasons behind low intake are economic status, low production and
In his remarks, Dr Nazrul Islam Jhantu opined that protein is an important
constituent of food which is necessary for strengthening and building of
muscles and tissues and development of the brain.
He mentioned that not only are they a great source of protein but they also
provide us with essential vitamins like D, B6, B12, and also minerals like
zinc, copper, and the power source iron. Especially the yolk supports us with
vitamins like A, D, E, and K. It is also rich in lecithin.
Professor Jalal Sarder said the existing problems in the poultry sector
should be addressed for boosting egg production through making the poultry
farming more profitable and lucrative.