24 Oct 2022, 21:37

MISP training on reproductive health services ends in Kurigram

KURIGRAM, Oct 24, 2022 (BSS) – A Three-day training programme on Minimum Initial Service Package (MISP) for ‘Developing Capacity of Health Personnel with MISP for Sexual and Reproductive Health in Emergencies (SRHIE)’ ended in Kurigram yesterday.
The Civil Surgeon Office of Kurigram and LAMB organized the event, under LAMB Elimination of Genital Fistula by Capturing, Treating, Rehabilitating and Reintegrating in Bangladesh (FRRei) Project, with technical support of UNFPA Bangladesh.  
District Officer of Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights Services for Kurigram Dr. Anindita Barma and LAMB jointly coordinated the programme held at Terre Dess Homes conference room in Kurigram, a press release said today.
Twenty-seven health personnel including Medical Officers of Upazila Health Complexes, Upazila Health Family Planning Officer, Midwives and health service providers of different NGOs from all over Kurigram district participated in the programme.
Earlier, Rangpur Divisional Deputy Director (Health) Dr. Md. Habibur Rahman formally inaugurated the training programme as the chief guest at a function with Civil Surgeon Dr. Manjur-E-Murshed in the chair.
Deputy Director of the Department of Family Planning for Kurigram Dr. Moddaber Hossain, Deputy Civil Surgeon Dr. Md. Lutfar Rahman and Superintendent of 250-bed Kurigram General Hospital Dr. Md. Shahidullah were present as special guests.
Dr. Leonard, Mahatab Liton and Dr. Tahmina Khatun Sonia from the LAMB were present.
Technical Officer of UNFPA Bangladesh Dr. Animesh Biswas delivered a welcome speech narrating the aims, goals and objectives of the training programme.
The MISP training programme was conducted by Dr. Shaheen Akhter and Dr. Kamruzzaman from UNFPA Bangladesh.
Participants of the training programme prepared a contingency plan to ensure sexual and reproductive health services in emergencies to adolescents, pregnant women during natural disasters and calamities and presented it in the closing ceremony
In the closing ceremony, Civil Surgeon Dr. Manjur-E-Murshed, Deputy Director Dr. Luthfar Rahman and Director of community health development programme (CHDP) of LAMB Utpal Minj and Dr. Animesh Biswas distributed certificates to the participants.