26 Aug 2021, 22:58

NATO chief says Kabul evacuation must remain priority after 'attack'

 BRUSSELS, Aug 26, 2021 (BSS/AFP) - NATO Secretary General Jens

Stoltenberg said on Thursday allied forces should continue to evacuate
as many vulnerable people as they can from Kabul despite what he
branded a "horrific terrorist attack".

  "Our priority remains to evacuate as many people to safety as
quickly as possible," he tweeted after two deadly explosions hit
crowds on the perimeter of the airport in Afghanistan's capital.

  The attacks hit ahead of an August 31 deadline for US troops to
leave the airport on the outskirts of the Afghan capital, and as
allied militaries wind down their rescue operations.

  Belgium and the Netherlands have already halted their airlift from
the airport and other allied countries are to follow suit in the
coming hours and days, despite fears that at-risk people will be left

  The president of the European Commission, Charles Michel, echoed
Stoltenberg's call for evacuations to continue.

  "Securing safe passage to the airport remains vital," he tweeted.