06 May 2024, 17:34

West's latest escalation in Ukraine requires Russian response: Kremlin

MOSCOW, May 6 (TASS/BSS) - The West is provoking an unprecedented round of 
tensions in Ukraine which requires a response from Moscow, Kremlin Spokesman 
Dmitry Peskov told reporters as he explained why the Russian Armed Forces are 
getting ready for a nuclear exercise.

"Deploying NATO soldiers to confront the Russian military in the latest 
escalation of tensions is an unprecedented move. And, of course, it requires 
special attention and special measures," Peskov said, referring to statements 
by some Westerners, including French President Emmanuel Macron as well as 
British and US officials, who have expressed their readiness to send 
contingents of troops to Ukraine.

He also advised reporters to see a recent Russian Defense Ministry statement 
that, he said, "gives a detailed account of this." "I have nothing to add," 
he concluded.

Earlier on Monday, Russia's Defense Ministry reported that the General Staff 
had launched preparations for drills involving missile troops of the Southern 
Military District jointly with naval aircraft and forces to practice 
employing non-strategic nuclear-weapons. The missile drills come in response 
to inflammatory statements and threats by some Western officials, the 
ministry added.