07 Sep 2023, 17:35
Update : 07 Sep 2023, 21:10

Sajeeb Wazed Joy Greets Hindus on Janmashtomi

DHAKA, September 7, 2023 (BSS)-Prime Minister’s ICT Affairs Adviser Sajeeb Wazed Joy has extended greetings to the Hindu community on the occasion of the Janmastomi, an annual festival that celebrates the birth of Sri Krishna, a major deity in Hinduism.

“Greetings to all celebrating the auspicious occasion of Janmastomi, an annual festival that celebrates the birth of Sri Krishna, a major deity in Hinduism,” he wrote in a facebook post on Wednesday night.

According to the constitution, Sajeeb Wazed said, all citizens are entitled to equal protection of law.

In sync with constitutional rights, Bangladesh Awami League is determined to uphold the ideals of social justice and equality while transforming future of the country, he added.

Noting that people on this land lived in harmony irrespective of religion for decades, the premier’s adviser said “Festivals are universal”, anchored on this motto, AL remains pledge bound to ensure freedom of religion so that people of all religions live in harmony, as dreamt by the father of the nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.

Recalling the situation during BNP-Jammat regime, he said an unprecedented scale of state sponsored terrorism and persecution inflicted on the minorities between 2001 and 2006.

As communal forces--BNP and Jamaat combine-held grip on power, the menace of communalism upended social fabric, he mentioned.

With impunity for perpetrators, incidents of rape, murder and looting became commonplace and militancy raised ugly head. Gone are these grisly days of state sponsored terrorism, he added.
After voted back to power, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, with a steely resolve, demonstrated zero tolerance to fundamentalists resulting in return of communal harmony, he said.