17 Jul 2024, 14:10
Update : 17 Jul 2024, 23:41

DU announces indefinite closure, asks students to vacate halls

DHAKA, July 17, 2024 (BSS) - The authorities have closed the Dhaka University (DU) sine die for safety of the students.
The Dhaka University authorities have also asked the students to vacate the halls by 6:00 this evening.
The decision was made at an emergency syndicate meeting of the university presided over by DU Vice Chancellor Prof AKM Maksud Kamal this noon.
The syndicate meeting also expressed sorrow over the deaths of the students and conveyed sympathy to those who were injured in the nationwide quota reform movement that occurred yesterday.
"Considering the security of the students, we have decided to close the university indefinitely and evacuate the halls," said a meeting insider.
The High Court on June 5 declared illegal a 2018 government circular that abolished quotas in government jobs. But, on July 10 the Supreme Court issued a status quo on the High Court judgement.