25 Aug 2024, 19:21
Update : 25 Aug 2024, 19:25

Explosive case filed against Salman F Rahman in Dohar

DHAKA, Aug 25, 2024 (BSS) - A case was filed against 174 including Salman F Rahman, private industry affairs adviser to ousted prime minister Sheikh Hasina, under explosive substances act in Dohar.

One Md Shahjahan Majhi, an inhabitant of village Ramnathpur of Dohar upazila, filed the case this morning. Another 200-250 unnamed people were also accused in the case.

According to the case documents, Awami League men following the direction of Salman F Rahman, launched an attack on a rally of anti-discrimination student movement on August 4 in Dohar Karam Ali intersection.

 They lobbed couple of cocktails on the protesters, injuring couple of people. Many girls were sexually harassed during the incident.