30 Aug 2024, 20:24
Update : 30 Aug 2024, 21:29

Notice on 'Lifetime suspension if anyone supports AL leaders' is fake: Rizvi

DHAKA, Aug 30, 2024 (BSS) - Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) Senior Joint Secretary General Advocate Ruhul Kabir Rizvi Ahmed said today a press release titled "Lifetime suspension for leaders and workers of BNP and its associate bodies, if anyone supports Awami League leaders" that was posted on Facebook is completely fake, fabricated and ill-motivated.
In a press release, he said a vested quarter posted the fake press release on Facebook forging signatures of BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir and his.
About the fake press release, Rizvi said it was not sent to media from BNP office.
The BNP senior joint secretary general urged the party's leaders and workers at all levels not to be confused over the fake press release.