01 Sep 2024, 16:17
Update : 01 Sep 2024, 21:35

Tarique urges party men to win people's heart with generosity, justice

DHAKA, Sept 1, 2024 (BSS) - Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) Acting 
Chairman Tarique Rahman today called upon the party men to win people's heart 
and achieve their love with generosity and justice, not showing power or 

"My clear message to you, win people's heart with fairness and kindness, not 
showing power or intimidation. Achieve people's love," he said in a video 
message on the occasion of the 46th founding anniversary of BNP.

Tarique extended greetings to the democracy-loving people of the country 
marking the party's anniversary.

Since its inception, BNP has always upheld the interest of the people in 
every movement for establishing democracy and people's rights while running 
the country or acting as the opposition party, he said.

So, BNP, the party of proclaimer of the country's independence, is the most 
popular and trusted political institution to the country's democracy-loving 
people even overcoming many hostile situations, the BNP acting chairman said.

On the auspicious occasion of the founding anniversary, he recalled with 
respect the contribution of all those under whose leadership, whose 
sacrifices, whose labor and merit have made the party a trusted institution 
to the people of the entire country.

"Now the country has stood at a turning point in its history. The interim 
government is facing a tough challenge of building a discrimination-free 
Bangladesh as desired by the students and people," he continued.

Tarique Rahman said the country has been freed from autocracy on August 5 
through the sacrifice of thousands of martyrs and the untold sufferings of 
numerous students and people.

But the cohorts of the autocrat are still hatching conspiracy to foil the 
success and potential of the mass uprising, he added.
"I do believe that if the pro-Bangladesh forces remain alert, the country 
cannot be derailed. Bangladesh won't lose its track again," the BNP acting 
chairman said.

The people cannot be made to forget the disorder and injustice of the last 15 
years by hatching conspiracy or spreading propaganda, he added.

State infrastructure Ganabhaban was the traditional symbol of the state and 
the country's politics, he said, adding that but now Ganabhaban becomes a 
symbol of corruption, misrule, lawlessness and wrongdoings of dictator 

Tarique Rahman said demands have already been raised from different quarters 
to build Ganabhaban as the museum of enforced disappearance, killing, 
abduction and genocide.

From army personnel killing in Pilkhana in 2009 to Shapla Chattar killing in 
2013, enforced disappearance and extrajudicial killings during the period of 
the movement for democracy restoration in 2012, 2014, 2015, 2018, 2022 and 
2023 and memories of the martyrs and victims of enforced disappearances in 
anti-quota movement and road safety movement in 2018 and mass-upsurge in 2024 
should be preserved in the museum, he said.

This museum will bear the message to future generations that no other ruler 
in Bangladesh follows the barbaric path of dictator Hasina to stay in power 
illegally, he added.

The BNP Acting Chairman said when the interim government is on track to 
implement its aspirations of the mass uprising, suddenly an imposed flood 
situation has swallowed vast areas in the country's eastern region.

Around one crore people have been affected more or less in the devastating 
flood while many people have died, properties have been damaged, he said.

Under the circumstances, BNP has cancelled its all programme of the founding 
anniversary to stand by the flood-affected people as per its capacity, he 
further said.

Noting that flood water has already started receding in some areas, Tarique 
Rahman said currently returning those who have been affected by the flood to 
their flood-damaged houses or their rehabilitation process is a little more 
complicated than the situation during the flood.

He called upon all to continue their cooperation to flood-affected people and 
stand by them in a coordinated way giving priority to the families having 
women, children and elderly people.

"As a citizen, play an active role to help the government to implement its 
measures to successfully complete the flood rehabilitation process," he said. 

The BNP acting chairman said autocrat Hasina has fled leaving the country in 
a chaotic situation in all sectors including state, politics, education, 
culture, economy, public administration and judiciary.
She has fled leaving the country dependent on loan and import, he said 
adding: "Not only one Hasina has fled rather her cabinet and all MPs who were 
not elected by votes and even their appointed Baitul Mukarram Khatib also 
have fled."

Now the people wanted to go ahead on the path of dignity and prosperity 
overcoming such an unprecedented terrible situation, he said.

So there is no alternative to state reformation for transforming the country 
into a desired Bangladesh of the people, said Tarique Rahman.

"But state reform is a continuous, long term and constant process. In order 
to reform the state in a sustainable and effective manner, direct 
participation of the people in the reform process is essential," he said.
BNP acting chairman said people's participation in the state reform process 
is ensured by guaranteeing their voting rights in the democratic countries. 
Because in a democratic state, the effective bridge between the government 
and the people is a representative national parliament, he added.

On a priority basis, reform or restructuring of constitutional institutions 
including Election Commission, law enforcement agencies, public 
administration and ACC is necessary as the first step to reinstate the 
people's right to vote which was stolen and to establish a government 
represented by the people, said Tarique Rahman.

"To achieve that goal, we believe that the interim government is taking ahead 
the state reform activities as per their plan," he said.

Therefore, the people are ready to give all possible support to the interim government for the necessary state reforms to take the country on the electoral roadmap with the goal of forming a representative state and 
government by direct vote of the people, he said.
"Our party BNP thinks that there is no way to ignore the fact of ensuring 
transparency in the outlook and activities of the country's political parties for making effective state reforms," he said.

In this regard, in July 2023, the BNP as a political party announced a 
programme for political reform of the party along with the state reform.

BNP gave a 31-point framework for the state reform which included forming an inclusive, discrimination free and harmony-based government on the basis of Bangladeshi nationalism in coordination of all opinions and paths, introduction of election-time party-neutral caretaker government system, making integration of power, duty and responsibility of executive, legislature and judiciary for establishing balance of state power, not serving as prime minister by an individual more than  consecutive two terms, introduction of bicameral legislature and even examining the matter of amending the Article 70 of the constitution, he said.
"Our party BNP thinks there is no alternative to reform the state and 
politics to establish Bangladesh as desired by the people. People also 
believe that if the long-term state reform activities are made by a 
government elected directly by the people, it will be more effective. It is 
also recognized in the democratic world," Tarique Rahman continued.

"We have no scope to look back again. The dictator, who had fled, took away 
15 years of the national life. By overcoming that nightmare, BNP's goal for 
the coming days is to build a discrimination free, safe, humane Bangladesh 
for the people of the country," he said.

The BNP acting chairman said BNP believes that in today's world of 
information technology, the present generation wants to see the 
implementation of promises rather than the politics of words and to see the 
doors of prosperity, respect and possibilities as open.

For this, all the doors of potential should be opened in front of the future 
generation and working manpower along with making the structural changes of 
the state and politics, he said. 

Tarique Rahman said new areas of employment should be created at home and 
abroad along with formulating vocational-based education policy having moral 

In order to ensure overseas employment, if required, skilled manpower should 
be created on a priority basis under state initiatives, he said.
Pointing at leaders and workers of BNP across the country, he said: "You are 
the soul of BNP. You did not deviate from the ideology of nationalism even 
after being victims of so many repressions and tortures, attacks, cases and 
harassment. I know many of you had become victims of repressions and tortures 
in years after years in the past by the mafia government and its cohorts."

"But under this changed situation now, my request to you is that you don't be 
revengeful for being victims of repression in the past. Don't take law in 
your hands rather take legal steps if you become victims of injustice and 
unjust. But you should remain careful that none can fall victim to attacks 
and cases for harassment," he added.