25 Mar 2025, 19:10
Update : 25 Mar 2025, 19:32

Independence Day to be observed amid elaborate programmes

DHAKA, March 25, 2025 (BSS) - The country is set to observe the Independence and National Day tomorrow (Wednesday) amid huge enthusiasm.

Various programmes have been taken at the national level to observe the day with due respect and solemnity.

The day will commence with a 31-gun salute at dawn across the country, including the capital. 

On the day, Chief Adviser (CA) Dr. Muhammad Yunus will lay a wreath at the National Memorial in Savar in the early morning as a mark of profound respect for the martyrs.

Led by Liberation War Affairs Adviser Farooq-e-Azam, people from all walks of life, including families of Bir Shreshthas, war wounded freedom fighters, members of the diplomatic corps, leaders of different political parties, social, cultural and professional bodies will also place wreathes at the National Memorial in the morning of the day to show their respect to the martyred freedom fighters.

Additionally, wreathes will also be placed at the different district and upazila-level martyrs' memorials. 

The national flag will be hoisted atop all government, semi-government, autonomous and private buildings in all the divisions, districts and upazilas across the country at dawn. Singing of the national anthem, and student assemblies and parades at divisional, district, and upazila levels will also be held on the occasion.
To mark the day, important buildings and establishments will be illuminated with colourful lights. Main streets and road islands in the capital and other cities across the country will be decorated with national flags and other colourful flags and festoons. 
The day is a public holiday.


Chief Adviser Professor Muhammad Yunus has issued a message on the occasion. 

In his message, the Chief Adviser said the interim government is fully 
committed to further developing and strengthening the country and delivering 
the full benefits of independence to the people. 

"We are working to establish good governance and justice to ensure people-
orientated and sustainable development, and ensure transparency and 
accountability through necessary reforms in all spheres of the state," he 

He extended his sincere greetings and congratulations to all Bangladeshis 
living in the country and abroad. 

He said achieving independence was the final stage of a long struggle to 
protect our dignity and existence and to gain "our rights". The War of 
Independence, through which Bangladesh emerged as an independent nation in 
the world, officially began on this day, he added. 

He said, "I remember with reverence the valiant martyrs who sacrificed their 
lives in the War of Independence, whose supreme sacrifices brought us our 
desired freedom." 

The CA said for the past 16 years, the people of the country have not been 
able to enjoy the benefits of this freedom. "The dictatorship oppressed the 
people and took away their freedom and all their basic rights. The successful 
uprising of student-workers and the masses has liberated the people of the 
country from the tyranny of dictatorship," he added. 

Professor Muhammad Yunus said, "On this auspicious occasion of Independence 
Day and National Day, let us take the oath to work for the development, peace 
and prosperity of the country, keeping in mind the spirit of the great 
Liberation War." 

Different national dailies will publish special supplements, articles and 
periodicals highlighting the significance of the day while electronic media 
will broadcast month-long special programmes based on the Liberation War.

Different social and cultural organisations, including Bangladesh Shilpakala 
Academy, Bangla Academy, National Museum, Liberation War Museum, and 
Bangladesh Shishu Academy, will organise Liberation War-based discussions, 
cultural events and drawing, essay writings and sports competitions for 
children and display Liberation War-related documentaries and film shows. 

Even, various types of games, including football, T20 crickets and Kabadi, 
will be organized at district and upazila levels.

Besides, reception will be hosted for valiant freedom fighters and family 
members of martyred at metropolitan city, district and upazila levels.

To mark the day, Bangladesh Postal Department will release commemorative 
postage stamps. Special prayers will be offered at different mosques and 
other worship places seeking eternal peace of the souls of martyrs of the 
Liberation War and peace, progress and prosperity of the country.

Improved diets will be served in hospitals, prisons cells, orphanages, old-
age homes, vagabond organizations, children's daycare centers and other 
similar institutions across the country.

On the day, all children's parks and museums will be kept open for all 
without tickets across the country.

Bangladesh Navy is going to open its ships at different places across the 
country for the visitors marking the day.

Seven ships including BNS Chithra would be displayed at Dhaka Sadarghat, BNS 
Atandra at Pagla Naval Jetty in Narayanganj, BNS Samuddra Obhijan at Naval 
Berth-2, New Mooring in Chattogram, BNS Oparejyo at BIWTA Launch Terminal in 
Khulna, BNS Dholeshwari at Digraj Naval Berth of Mongla, BNS Padma at Marine 
workshop Jetty in Barishal and BNS Shaheed Farid in BIWTA Ghat at Chandpur 

People can visit the ships from 12 noon to 4pm on that day, said an ISPR 
press release.

Similar programmes will be taken at district and upazila levels as well as 
Bangladesh missions abroad highlighting the significance of the day.