31 Dec 2021, 18:47

Speaker inaugurates 'Farewell to Year 2021' programme

DHAKA, Dec 31, 2021 (BSS) - Speaker of the Parliament Dr Shirin Sharmin
Chaudhury today inaugurated 'Farewell to Year 2021' programme organised by
Parliament Members Club.

    The speaker inaugurated the programme as the chief guest and visited
various stalls, displayed at the programme, said a press release.

    Later, she enjoyed different games like basketball, hari bhanga, musical
chairs and pillow passing with the participation of members of the Parliament
Members Club and their families and distributed prizes among the winners.

    The function was presided over by Chief Whip of the Parliament and
President of Parliament Members Club Nur-E-Alam Chowdhury.

    General Secretary of Parliament Members Club AB Tajul Islam and Whip of
Parliament Iqbalur Rahim were present, among others.