13 Jan 2022, 13:10
Update : 13 Jan 2022, 20:12

PM stresses utilizing research-based knowledge for country's socioeconomic development

 DHAKA, Jan 13, 2022 (BSS) - Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina today laid
emphasis on leveraging the research-based knowledge for the country's
socioeconomic development, calling upon the researchers to put concentration
on basic and practical researches alongside exploring unused resources.

   "Along with the research, we are putting emphasize on how the knowledge,
gained from the research, can be used for our socio-economic development,"
she said.

   In this connection, she opined that, "importance should also be given on
basic research as well as applied research, and our researchers should
definitely look into it."

   The premier said this while addressing the inaugural ceremony of the
National Science and Technology Complex (NSTC) in city's Agargaon as the
chief guest, joining virtually from her official residence Ganabhaban.

   Talking about the unexplored resources, she said, "We've to find out what
we have in our country as there are many invaluable resources that we have
not yet been able to use or those are out of our reach."

  To this end, she also stressed the need for paying special attention on
researching unused resources so those can be used for the people of the

   Sheikh Hasina noted research is inevitable in every field such as health,
food production, engineering or infrastructure development. "In fact,
excellence cannot be achieved without research," she said.

   About attaining the Sustainable Development Goals, she said, "In our
country study is absolutely necessary and that's why everyone needs to pay
attention on research."

   Besides, more attention also needs to be paid to keep pace with the
technology as the use and impact of technology has increased all over the
world, she added.

   She continued, "In this age of science and advanced technology, the
countries which are advancing in scientific research are also making rapid
economic progress."

   The prime minister, however, noted that the country is lagging behind in
the research of the health sector.

   She said despite progress in other studies, the country is lagging behind
in health research as the number of research in this field much lower than

   The head of the government also pointed out that many physicians could no
longer be involved in research after attending patients, but her government
is taking steps to increase health research.

   Sheikh Hasina also renewed her call to the countrymen who are still
remained unvaccinated to get the Covid-19 jab immediately to protect their
lives from the new variant of the pandemic.

   "I urge those who have yet to get inoculation to receive vaccines soon. We
started vaccinating school students as well. At least life might be saved if
one gets vaccinated," she said.

   She said the new variant of Covid-19 is now spreading rapidly and the
people are being affected by the Omicron variant.

   She called upon all to follow the health safety protocols properly and
maintain the recent directives issued by the government.

   With Science and Technology Minister Architect Yeafesh Osman in the chair,
National Museum of Science and Technology (NMST) Director General

Muhammad Munir Chowdhury delivered the welcome address.

   At the outset of the function, an audio-visual documentary on the newly
built National Science and Technology Complex was screened.

   The modern complex was constructed at a cost of some Taka 222 crore to
further popularise science and technology through scientific exhibitions and
to encourage the young and non-professional scientists to their innovative

   The eye-catching structure, having 300,000 square feet space, 700-seat
auditorium, two seminar halls, multipurpose hall, rooftop solar system and
cafeteria, will promote arrangement of the national and international
seminars, conference, workshops and fair on science and technology.

  The prime minister said her government is providing all kinds of assistance 
including necessary financial grants for research on science and technology.

  She said "Bangabandhu Fellowship" is being offered for science and 
technology research at home and abroad under the Bangabandhu Science and 
Technology Fellowship Trust for building a science-minded nation and 
developing skilled and qualified scientists, technologists and researchers at 
national level.

  In addition, National Science and Technology Fellowships are being given 
among the students and researchers at the MPhil, PhD and post PhD levels, she 

  Sheikh Hasina said after assuming office in 1996, "I allocated fund 
initially for research" as there was no allocation for conducting study and 
subsequently, "the special allocation is being kept for research in every 
year's national budget".

  She also briefly highlighted the development initiatives in the field of 
research and science and technology.

  She said her government has established the National Institute of 
Biotechnology to ensure meaningful use of the biotechnology in improving the 
quality of life of the people alongside setting up of several world-class 
science research institutes including Genomic Research Laboratory.

  The premier said Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Novo Theatre has been 
set up in Dhaka to give the young generation a better idea about space and 
its branches are being expanded in divisional levels.

  She continued that an effective addition to medical science is the National 
Institute for Nuclear Medicine and Allied Sciences at Bangabandhu Sheikh 
Mujibur Rahman Medical University and the Institute for Nuclear Medicine and 
Allied Sciences at various government medical colleges across the country.

   She went on saying that the government is also building Rooppur Nuclear 
Power Plant which would take the country to a new height globally.

  The premier said Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman had 
put highest importance on science education while building a war-torn country 
after the independence.

  She said Bangladesh became a member of the International Telecommunication 
Union on September 5, 1973 and inaugurated the Satellite Earth Station at 
Betbunia on June 14, 1975 to connect Bangladesh with the world during 
Bangabandhu's tenure. 

  "His steps have been serving as a guideline for us," she added.

  After long 21 years, when Awami League came to power in 1996, she said that 
she saw the number of science students, even interest in science education 
decreased in the country.

  Then she took initiatives to establish 12 science and technology 
universities across the country, Sheikh Hasina said.

   About the reason behind declining interest in science education, she said 
the then governments that came to power illegally after 1975 by violating the 
constitution were involved in corruption to legalise their illegitimate 
powers and took initiatives to create an "elite class" with a handful of 

  "They (the then illegal governments) also handed over money and weapons to 
the meritorious students and the educational institutions saw the jingle of 
arms even they hadn't time to pay heed to common people's need," she added.

  She also mentioned the failure of the then BNP government formed in 1991 to 
take the opportunity of being connected to international submarine cable for 
free use in technology.

  Sheikh Hasina said, "Our misfortune was that BNP was in government and 
Khaleda Zia was the prime minister, and she said it (submarine cable) can't 
be taken. Because, if this is done, all the information of Bangladesh will go 

   Thus, they ruined the development potentials of Bangladesh, she added.

  She said Awami League government, after assuming power in 1996, had taken a 
project to provide 10,000 computers to 10,000 schools free of cost and the 
development partners came forward while a list of schools was prepared

  She added the Dutch government offered to buy computer from their company 
at half price and an agreement was also signed with them.

  She mentioned that the computers were supposed to be bought from the Dutch 
company "Tulip", also the name of Dutch national fruit, saying the company's 
name was her younger sister Sheikh Rehana's daughter Tulip Siddiqui's 

  But, the BNP had foiled this initiative immediately after forming 
government in 2001, she said.

   She went on saying, Due to the similarity of name of the Dutch company 
with Tulip Siddiqui, the then BNP government cancelled the deal.

  "Because, our very wise the then Prime Minister Khaleda Zia was made 
understand by someone that the firm Tulip belonged to Sheikh Rehana's 
daughter Tulip. Therefore, it cannot be taken and she cancelled it," she 

  Sheikh Hasina said as a result of the cancellation of the agreement, the 
Dutch company filed a case against Bangladesh and lawyers were hired to deal 
with the case and finally Bangladesh was fined Taka 60 crore.

  She also said 10,000 computers were destroyed and a fine of Taka 60 crore 
had to be paid due to the decision of the head of government of a country. 

  "And if you (people) have such a head of government, then you understand 
that how the country will prosper," she added.