30 Jan 2022, 19:30

Israeli president on first-ever visit to UAE

  ABU DHABI, Jan 30, 2022 (BSS/AFP) - Israel's President Isaac Herzog started
his first visit to the United Arab Emirates on Sunday, the latest high-
profile diplomatic trip since the countries normalised ties.

   It follows a visit by Naftali Bennett last month, the first by an Israeli
premier, during which both sides are understood to have discussed Iran's
nuclear programme, a top Israeli security concern.

   Herzog, travelling with the first lady, arrived around 0800 GMT in the UAE
capital, where he met with Foreign Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al-
Nahyan, the president's office said.

   "Beginning the first visit by an Israeli president in the United Arab
Emirates," Herzog tweeted upon arrival. "We were delighted and deeply moved
by the warm welcome in Abu Dhabi."

   The visit comes some 16 months after the wealthy Gulf country forged
diplomatic ties with Israel, becoming the third Arab nation to do so after
Egypt and Jordan.

   Herzog also met with Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al-
Nahyan at the presidential palace, said the official Emirati news agency WAM.

   "Sheikh Mohammed escorted him to the podium, and the national anthems of
the two countries were played, while 21 rounds of artillery were fired to
welcome his visit," it said.

   Herzog was later due to meet the UAE prime minister and ruler of Dubai,
Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al-Maktoum, during the two-day trip.

   - Geopolitical interests -

   Herzog, whose position is largely ceremonial, is the first Israeli head of
state to officially visit the UAE.

   The UAE-Israel normalisation deal was part of a series of US-brokered
agreements known as the Abraham Accords, pacts that have angered the

   The deals broke with decades of Arab League consensus against recognising
Israel until it signs a peace agreement establishing a Palestinian state with
a capital in east Jerusalem.

   They were negotiated by Bennett's predecessor, Benjamin Netanyahu, who
said they would offer Israel new regional allies against Iran and bolster its
diplomatic efforts to stop Tehran from acquiring nuclear weapons.

   Iran is Israel's long-standing nemesis, and the Jewish state is highly
sceptical about ongoing efforts by world powers to revive a 2015 deal that
gave Tehran sanctions relief in exchange for limits on its nuclear programme.

   The UAE meanwhile has strained relations with Iran, backing government-
aligned forces fighting the Tehran-backed Huthi rebels in Yemen's civil war.

   That conflict has become increasingly regional, with Abu Dhabi hit this
month by a Huthi missile and drone attack that killed three foreign workers -
- the first deadly assault on UAE soil acknowledged by the Emiratis and
claimed by the Huthis.

   - 'Transform Middle East' -

   Herzog, who was also set to visit Expo 2020 Dubai and to meet members of
the Jewish community, vowed this month that "the bold new partnership"
between Israel and the UAE "will transform the Middle East".

   About 200,000 Israelis visited the UAE in the first 12 months after the
normalisation deal was signed, and about 40 Israeli businesses have set up
there, Israel's Dubai consulate has said.

   Since normalisation, Israel and the UAE have inked a series of deals on
economic and trade cooperation, ranging from tourism to financial services.
More are in the pipeline.

   The Emirati ambassador in Israel, Mohamed Al Khaja, said ahead of Herzog's
trip that it would "enhance the bilateral relations... as we aim to sign
important economic and trade agreements ... in the near future".

   The Abraham Accords were negotiated under former US president Donald Trump
and endorsed by President Joe Biden's administration.

   Bahrain and Morocco have also normalised ties with Israel under the
accords. Sudan has agreed to do so, but formal diplomatic relations have not
emerged so far amid escalating instability in Khartoum.