13 Feb 2022, 20:58
Update : 13 Feb 2022, 21:15

BNP boycotts dialogue, ignoring search committee as it disrespects democracy: Hasan

  DHAKA, Feb 13, 2022 (BSS) - Information and Broadcasting Minister Dr

Hasan Mahmud said today that BNP didn't join the presidential dialogue
as they have no respect to the democracy and now they are ignoring the
search committee.

  "I think they (BNP) should have taken part in the dialogue if the
party had believed and respected democracy. They could express their
objections through taking part in the dialogue. They have ignored the
President and the state by not joining the presidential dialogue," he
told reporters replying to a query.

  Earlier, the minister addressed a discussion organised by Bangladesh
Betar marking the World Radio Day at its auditorium at Agargaon in the
capital. The theme of the day is "Radio and Trust".

  Hasan said many parties, which didn't join the presidential dialogue
and representatives of civil society, are doing meeting and having
discussing with the search committee. And many leaders of BNP are also
realizing that BNP did mistake by not joining the dialogue, he added.

  For this, he said, BNP supported intellectuals and even BNP
chairperson's advisor Dr Jafarullah and mass media personnel requested
them (BNP) to join the dialogue with the committee.

   "I think, BNP should submit the list of names to the search
committee if they have respect to the democracy and if they want
continuation of democratic norms and practices in the country. Later,
the search committee will consider and send a short list of 10 persons
to the President," said Hasan, also Awami League joint general

  But, the minister said, BNP has no respect to the democracy as the
birth of the party was held in cantonment undemocratically. BNP took
power by arms, he added.

   He said grenade attacks were carried out on August 21 and bombs
were blasted at 500 places across the country when Begum Khaleda Zia
was in power. "They party (BNP) doesn't believe in democracy. For
this, they have no respect in democratic tradition and they are
showing thumbs down to democracy," he added.

   He said the present government will discharge the duty and do
routine works during election-period government as per the
constitution which means that the government under the leadership of
the present prime minister will work as polls-period government. But,
none even the premier could not transfer any constable after the
declaration of the polls schedule, he added.

  He said BNP is trying to create confusion among the countrymen by
talking about polls-time government.

  In the discussion, Hasan said Betar had worked as second front in
the Liberation War which will be written with golden letters in the

   The minister urged the concerned of Betar to make new programmes
which will keep role in protecting humanity and ethics.

  Information and Broadcasting Secretary Md Mokbul Hossain addressed
the discussion as the special guest with Bangladesh Betar director
general Ahmed Kamruzzaman in the chair.

   UNESCO Bangladesh representative and head of office Beatrice Kaldun
joined the discussion virtually.